How does GoDial automatically track attendance?
Nowadays in every sector attendance tracking of every employee is a mandate. Godial came up with this excellent idea which is a very helpful solution for every business. This will help you and your company save a huge amount of time and will provide you with more efficient working. You do not have to go anywhere else for attendance tracking. Hence save you a lot of additional costs. When you keep track of attendance automatically, you get a lot of important data that can help you allocate and monitor resources accurately. You can also use the attendance data for your payroll.
- Godial’s attendance report makes it easy for HR and managers to schedule work, manage attendance, and synchronise workflow for all team members.
- Team management becomes easier as to who is working when, when they are sitting idle, when they are calling, their last seen, idle / active hours, etc, and as a result employees stay and their work efficiency grows. Even instead of using a spreadsheet, pen and paper, or a complicated template, you can access all information in one place, and automate processes.
- It helps to manage payroll and makes accounting easier. In short, admins can easily document hours their employees have actually worked. It is about helping them work more effectively, boost productivity, and better manage time.
- Best of all, GoDial calculates everything automatically without any other software. GoDial tracks the first call of the day, the last call of the day, the time spent on calls, to create a detailed report day wise or monthly.
Features Of GoDial’s Attendance Tracker
- See who is present and who is absent.
- See active time, idle time every day.
- Filter by members and date range.
- Export as excel.
- Set your office work hours in settings.
- Works automatically without any other software or configuration.
- Best for Tracking Work from Home
Godial aspires to become the only software you use and in it’s quest it has come out with attendance tracking and hopefully in the near future it will come up with more such features which will make itself truly Everybody’s CRM!